Really bad. Robbed me a month of reading something good because I just couldn‘t force myself to finish it faster
Really bad. Robbed me a month of reading something good because I just couldn‘t force myself to finish it faster
I liked it, but there were a lot of characters that I had a bit of trouble keeping straight. The author jumps to different perspectives, on occasion, and the reader knows who the killer is (as does Lacey) from the start, but how it all ties together is unknown. Overall, it was “good” for me
😂😂😂 Oh man...I‘m always joking that I‘m the Invisible Woman! People talk over the top of me, interrupt me, ignore my advice/predictions even though I‘m right every time...looks like this challenge was spot on! 😂😂😂
My mom was really into mysteries and was always checking Mary Higgins Clark books out from the library. I would read them when she was done. Sometimes we would read them together or listen to an audiobook together. I remember feeling so grown up reading an adult book 😄 I haven't read one in a while though I picked these up last year. Maybe I'll read one soon :) #funfridayphoto