Ummm I feel confused ? The first half I feel didn't make a lot of sense , and then the second half made sense and finished on a cliff hanger ¿?
Guess I'll have to continue to find out
3.5 ? #dc #dccomic #justiceleague
Ummm I feel confused ? The first half I feel didn't make a lot of sense , and then the second half made sense and finished on a cliff hanger ¿?
Guess I'll have to continue to find out
3.5 ? #dc #dccomic #justiceleague
These #BFFS have to have some Real Talk when Batman‘s Kryptonite ring gets swiped. Bats reveals to Supes that he has a box of countermeasures for each member of the League to take them down if they go rogue... except Wonder Woman‘s box is empty. There‘s no force on Earth that can stop her except Superman.
And it‘s also on Clark to stop Bruce if he gets out of line. Bruce shows Clark the contents of the Batman box but we don‘t get to see.
So I only read the first 3 issues because the other 2 are also in the Trinity War trade I‘ll be reading next, but these 3 issues contain everything I love about the League.
The whole team hanging out and talking: 👍🏻
Membership drive: 👍🏻
Crazy battles: 👍🏻 New members Firestorm, the Atom, and Element Woman vs. Despero!
So great! Best New 52 League stories yet!
Plus Flash gets the #DeathStare from Bats at the mention of “fun”.