“The elephant and the dog danced with deluge while the king, and his ministers, and the elephant‘s keeper all cheered and clapped.”
“The elephant and the dog danced with deluge while the king, and his ministers, and the elephant‘s keeper all cheered and clapped.”
This is a book that I will definitely be adding to my collection. It has cultural elements that are perfect for diversity lessons and just to have in general for representation
This Indian folktale book was so cute and exciting. The pictures were beautiful and really embodies the colorful culture of India. The tale about the elephant and his dog friend was one of my favorite ones from the book. The style of images are almost comic like which is one of children‘s favorite styles from my past experiences!
Traditional lit. The Elephant‘s Friend and Other Tales from Ancient India is an interesting book with lots of stories. Each story has a very important lesson for children to learn. I think children will really enjoy the pictures and stories.
I really like that this book has multiple stories in it with important lessons for children to learn.
“You can‘t put a price on friendship”
“Food and friendship- that‘s all you need”
This book contains multiple old Indian tales. Similarly to the African one; it‘s great for culture lessons. This book is in comic set up and has wonderful illustrations
Publication Date: 2012
Who is it intended for: Children or young adult
Character Development: Some
Proper Illustrations: Yes
Storyline: Different ancient Indian tales