Inspiring, truthful and thought provoking. I love the madea movies and i even loved a fall from grace and now i have a greater respect for who he is and where he came from.
#iamenoughwhls february pick
Inspiring, truthful and thought provoking. I love the madea movies and i even loved a fall from grace and now i have a greater respect for who he is and where he came from.
#iamenoughwhls february pick
Loved it. He has a lot of truth in his writing and his movies. And his book was very much life lessons. 100% recommend.
I'm so excited about this book! It's only 4.99 now on kindle. I love Tyler Perry! He's an amazing person, so inspirational. ❤👍
I use to have a lot of leaves now I mostly have roots. 🌲📚 #tylerperry #higheriswaiting #treeoflife #bookworm #read #nonfiction
A cozy fire would add nicely to this morning. It‘s finally starting to get a little chilly here! Otherwise, my favorite weekend morning routine. 📖☕️
Let‘s see what I can pull from this & learn a few things...
#learningasigo #keepthebrainsharp #excerisethemind #tylerperry #higheriswaiting #booksgram #bibliophile #bookpage #bookish #bookpagefeature #booksarecool #readingislove #socksunday #feelingthelove #💜💜💜
Exactly my plans for today....
#tylerperry #higheriswaiting #readingonarainyday #perfectreadingweather #readingispower📚 #readingisknowledge #readingiscool #bookfeaturepage #bookstagramfeature #bookstagram #bibliophile #readingislove #bookporn #bookpage #bookart #bookish #bookphoto #bookishpost #bookswag #bookselfie
Let's see what Mr. Perry is talking about in his latest...
Started this book! Love him!