⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5
Very cute quick read. Sometimes I feel like I‘m doing a lot of work to figure out what‘s going on with time travel books but this one was more about the cute love story. I was able to follow without having to think about it too much. Story wasn‘t mind blowing but worth a read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Just finished reading this super cute love story! A great way to start the week! Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone.
If at all possible I wait until a sequel or the complete series is written before picking up the first book. I am a very inpatient reader and expect writers to write as fast as I read. I'm an awful person that way. LOL! I finally grabbed both of Tamara Ireland Stone's time traveling YA titles and thank goodness I did! Read the first in two days and I was glad I had the second ready and waiting.
Anna: 1995: sueña con viajar por el mundo. Bennett: 2012: viajero en el tiempo. Un incidente conduce a Bennett a la vida de Anna y ambos se embarcan en un viaje de romance y aventuras, conscientes de que él podría ser devuelto a su tiempo en cualquier momento por lo que se ven obligados a preguntarse hasta dónde pueden forzar el destino, qué consecuencias están dispuestas a asumir y si su amor es lo bastante fuerte para enfrentárselas. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
How many books have you read so far this year? What was your favorite? I'm at 35 and I'm 8 books ahead of schedule! My favorite has to be City of Ashes so far 💙
EDIT (July 7th 2021): I'm 32 out of 50 done, I see I've become even more of a slow reader eheh
I actually won this book through a writing contest on Figment, a website I haven't used or thought about for an extremely long time. After a long and treacherous break from reading for my own personal enjoyment (thanks, school), Time Between Us was SUCH a refreshing read. I couldn't put it down. I hasn't realized how much I missed the feeling of being completely in love with a story.
Cute, sweet, fluffy read. Didn't have the twist I expected, but I still enjoyed it. More than I thought I would! Great starter time travel romance for younger teens.
Have to finish this for book club on Sunday. This month our theme was time travel! #therowdylibrarian #timebetweenus #ya #youngadult #bookclub
One of my favorite duologies - time travel, romance, and wonderful characters!