Got to say I am completely in love with reading non-fiction to my baby. Bonus this book has really big colour pictures which definitely grabs his attention. #library #kidsnonfiction
Got to say I am completely in love with reading non-fiction to my baby. Bonus this book has really big colour pictures which definitely grabs his attention. #library #kidsnonfiction
“Whether they sound like people or sing a song, birds are talking just like you!”
I would add this in my reading center or incorporate it into a lesson about birds!
This book answers the curiosity that kids have about the way birds communicate and what they are saying. The book introduces many species and gives background as to why they make the sounds they do! I believe the illustrations throughout this book are appropriate as being drawings as children are learning about the sounds they make and not physical attributes!
“The fledging has left the nest, but isn't ready to fly.“
This book would great for 2nd or 3rd graders. This story has a lot of information that would be good for young kids to learn. The book also has great pictures along with the pages to help young readers.
This is a nonfiction book. The facts are very accurate in the story. All of the generalizations are supported by facts and evidence. This would be a very great books for children.
I liked this page and thought a lot of children would think it was funny
I would use this book when learning about animals with children kindergarten to first grade age
This is a nonfiction book. I liked this book becuase it went into depth about how birds communicate to eachother
This nonfiction book is good because it gives lots of facts to support its content. It also covers a wide arrange of different birds out there and is fairly easy to understand and keep up with. I like the clarifications it gives and contains lots of good facts that are significant to the purpose of the book!
This book is appealing to the eyes and it‘s content and reliable and interesting. It would be a good book to touch on an interest a kid might have and would give a better understanding to new vocabulary as well!
“Many birds dance to communicate with a future mate.”
I like this book because it talks about a lot of different birds! It explains the meaning behind the movements birds make.
Bird Talk by Lita Judge was published in 2012. The book discusses how birds talk and what they are saying. Some birds make noises to find a mate and some make noises to show off. This book would teach children about all the different kinds of birds and what noises they make!
“Many birds dance to communicate with a future mate.”
This book would be a great intro into a section on birds as well as a section in how animals communicate with each other. The illustrations are great and the facts are simple and easy to comprehend. Loved it !
Bird Talk by Lita Judge is a piece of nonfiction. It was published in 2012. This book discusses a ton of different birds and the noises they make. It talks about what different bird calls mean like mating calls and fighting noises. It also tells us about how some birds dance in order to communicate. This is great because it teaches children about a ton of different birds and helps us learn about what the sounds mean.
Bird Talk by Lita Judge (nonfiction, published 2012) is a book about different birds and how they communicate. It is written in a way that a child could understand different birds communicate in different ways. A cute informational book
I would have this book in my classroom for older children. There were a lot of facts throughout this book so younger children probably wouldn‘t be as interested.
Bird Talk by Lita Judge, 2012. The cover page is really cute and the title Bird Talk is funny. It teaches children why birds make certain noises and what those noises mean almost like they are talking. The Illustrations are cute. I like how the facts are scattered throughout the page.
I loved reading about all the different birds and think this is a perfect book to keep in the classroom.
Bird Talk by Lita Judge was written in 2012. This book is about a bunch of different kind of birds that we have on this planet. I thought this book was super fun to read and to look at all the different birds! I definetly think this would be a fun book for kids to read and learn about all kinds of birds
This is a really cute NF picture book which talks about what birds are saying, and why. It would be a great book for RA, GR, SR, PR, and possibly even CR.