Robert Munsch‘s “Up, Up, Down” illustrated by Michael Martchenko is a funny fiction book perfect for a RA. Anna loves to climb EVERYTHING. But every time she climbs up high, her parents always tell her to be careful. At the end, Anna decides to climb a very tall tree. To the point where her parents tried climbing to get her down, but couldn‘t do so. Read to find out what lesson her parents had at the end.
supan.katherine https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/down-lesson-pl... This website includes discussion questions as well as a memory game that the students could play using the illustrations in the book. 7y
supan.katherine UDL 8.3: Develop self-assessment and reflection. ESOL 47: Use information gap activities (sharing pieces of information to solve problems) #ucflae3414f17 7y
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