4 ⭐
I love a good retelling, even if it is a bit crazy. And this is crazy. The art work is well done, where they added the zombie action works, and it filled my last needed prompt for #LitsyAtoZGN. (2019)
Turned it before I took a picture.
4 ⭐
I love a good retelling, even if it is a bit crazy. And this is crazy. The art work is well done, where they added the zombie action works, and it filled my last needed prompt for #LitsyAtoZGN. (2019)
Turned it before I took a picture.
I‘m surprised at how much I actually enjoyed this series. Issue 5 shows what Scrooge plans to do with the information he learned from the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future. The ending was very satisfactory and I‘d recommend this to fans of the original who also don‘t mind a few zombies thrown in. 4⭐️ overall
Issue 4 brings the ghost of Christmas future and shows Scrooge what he must do to save mankind. I‘m looking forward to seeing how it all ends!
Issue 3 is a little strange. Scrooge is visited by the ghost of Christmas present and is told it is up to him if all men must live or all man must die. Curious to see how this is going to end. 3.5⭐️
I‘m on issue 2 of Zombies Christmas Carol and I‘m very intrigued. 🤔 It‘s a totally different take on the classic and I‘m all for it. Apparently, Scrooge got bitten by a rabid horse as a young man and HE‘S the one who inadvertently infected everyone with this zombie business. Can‘t wait to find out what happens! 4⭐️
Issue 1 in Zombies Christmas Carol is intriguing. Scrooge is visited by Zombie Jacob Marley. I‘m looking forward to seeing what they do with the rest of this story. It‘s an interesting premise. 3.5⭐️
Book: Literally the only Read Z book I have
Author: Cecile von Ziegesar
TV Show: The Zoo 🐅🐘🦓
Food: Zucchini (even though I never eat it)
#manicmonday #letterZ
This was actually a christmas gift a few years ago - but now I read it EVERY Christmas day for fun! 🙌
This was a creepy fun take on the Christmas Carol story. A quick and enjoyable read. Typically I don‘t care for zombie stories, but saw someone reading and thought it‘d be cool to check out. It‘s almost like a Nightmare Before Christmas with a creepy Christmas story!
Okay guys, the art in this one was bloody killer! I loved every single frame in this. And I mayyyy have taken about 20 photos of it. The art is just that good! Please go check it out. ?On a side note - its the perfect time to read this because it's a perfect mix of creepy Halloween and Christmas "spirit". (Hah, did you see what I did there... spirit... ghosts. Ah god, I'm funny) ??