I couldn‘t decide which one to buy so I bought them both!
I couldn‘t decide which one to buy so I bought them both!
“Dead men don‘t bite”
Getting the last few chestnuts from my tree while I can😍
This was a nice extra! Two reviews of Treasure Island and one of The Ebb-Tide from when they were first published.
The Ebb-Tide started out with two Englishmen and an American fallen on hard times in Tahiti, but now it's gone all "Heart of Darkness in the South Pacific".
Rereading a childhood favourite. This version includes a novella I don't think I have read before. And of course I have to use a suitable bookmark. No crossbones but I'm sure as a tattoo it would meet with 'Billy Bones his fancy'. ☠️
#xmarksthespot will always bring pirates to mind (of course) and Treasure Island was the first pirate novel I read. Pictured is a real (reale haha, old money humor) from the frigging Atocha (I may have used stronger language when I opened it) my sis and bro-in-law got me for my 50th this year. The Atocha is a big deal shipwreck. #uncannyOctober @RealLifeReading