Book haul. Maybe I can apply the self-discipline from No Excuses to not buying any more books for a while.
Book haul. Maybe I can apply the self-discipline from No Excuses to not buying any more books for a while.
Aw Lawd! I can't begin to tell you how offensive this YA book is! First, you have a non-cultural, non-Muslim writing a social commentary on a subject she has no business writing about. Plus, she relies on assumptions and sterotypes to tell a "white savior" story. Basically, a future Trump America where Muslims are sent to detainment camps and a white heroine who helps a Muslim fugitive across the border. WTF? Terrible. Just terrible.
Imagine a U.S in which detainment camps for Muslim Americans are a reality.
Sarah assumes everything she sees on the news is true, so when she happens upon Sadaf, a Muslim fugitive determined to reach freedom in Canada, Sarah believes she must turn her in. But instead she decides to do all she can to help her escape. They set off on a journey, hitchhiking through America that is at times courageous but full of danger for anyone deemed suspicious.
Thoughts on this article? https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_59e91539e4b0542ce4290c5c