Today is Douglas Adams birthday. This was a formative series for me, and remains one of my favorites. I even have a "42" constellation in the sky of my Dr. Who tattoo.
Today is Douglas Adams birthday. This was a formative series for me, and remains one of my favorites. I even have a "42" constellation in the sky of my Dr. Who tattoo.
This has been a long time coming. I started reading before I started studying, the stopped halfway through. Four years(!) later I have finished it, and it was totally worth the wait. I can't think of many books which poke fun at the British with such love or eloquence.
Douglas Adams is far more eloquent when it comes to describing management speak than I am...
#managementspeak #rubbish #truth #descriptive #solongandthanksforallthefish
So this is the story of how I realised I was a nerd. I was driving back from my parents, listening to Katy Perry's ET, because, well, Spotify decided I wanted to listen. There's a line where Kanye says "I know a bar out in Mars", and my first thought was "dammit, there's a restaurant at the end of the universe, try harder man!". Books have ruined me... and I'm good with that #nerd #scifi #tryharder
One of our auditors is called Russell. I will never not think this when I talk to him now... could be a problem come audit #nameproblems #russell #ohdear
Okay so Marvin 'the Paranoid Android' might seem a strange choice for my fictional best friend but what he says about his clinical depression is so ridiculous and funny I think he would, despite my mental ill health, make me laugh.
#yourfictionalbestfriend #uncannyoctober @RealLifeReading