#Truth: “Whereas being an adult is a lot of hard work, being a grown-up is fun.”
#Truth: “Whereas being an adult is a lot of hard work, being a grown-up is fun.”
I couldn't decide between a quote and a review so here are both. This is the last quote I'm sharing from this most essential read. 📸
I ❤ this book so hard! It was funny and informative but also a really quick read. It reminds of all the things we know to be true as adults without taking itself too seriously. I feel like every high school graduate should get a copy of this and then one more as you graduate from college just as a refresher.
This book! Kicking serious knowledge, y'all. LOL
I struggle with the whole work-life balance thing because I love my job for the most part. I'd like to think that the people there would be lost without me but that's not the case. Lol. I'm learning how to be my most productive self and leave work at work but it's hard because I'm one of two staff members working in the kids department. 😌
#worklifebalance #haveitall #LitsyLovesLibraries #lovedakids
That part. 📚📗📚📙📘