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Beautiful stort about the causes of addiction. Prue overcomes huge obstacles and through the help of treatment center and other patients, she learns the reason why she is an addict. This is an engaging story of triumph and hope. It's the best book I've read in a long time. Praise for Jennifer Irwin's A Dress the Color of the Sky. Emotional, dramatic and lovely.
Got this in the mail from the author and I'm so happy to say it is also sigbed
I wrote this book so I‘m a pretty big fan😍
This is a beautiful debut novel. Jennifer has created a character who you laugh with, cry with and root for throughout her entire journey. The matter-of-fact way in which earth-shattering events are relayed, the seamless jumps between the past and the present...so impressive. I cannot wait for others to meet Pru and hear her story, and I can‘t wait to see these characters come to life in the upcoming movie!