My Buddy Read section for my 2022 Book Journal! Decided I am going to attempt 1 #buddyread a month! I'll update my post each month asking for a Buddy and a Book Choice! 💗📖 ☕
My Buddy Read section for my 2022 Book Journal! Decided I am going to attempt 1 #buddyread a month! I'll update my post each month asking for a Buddy and a Book Choice! 💗📖 ☕
While the hubs is busy setting up what he is affectionately calling his "Other Wife" (pretty sure that's going to change to "Favourite Wife" ?) I might as well crack into my new #bujo for 2022 and see if I can get some spreads started. It looks like I'm going to have a lot of time on my own coming up so I should have a good start for the New Year!
These are the exact same journals.
The journal on the left is brand new.
The journal on the right contains 551 books that were read 7/12/2020 thru 10/31/2021.
Each book that I read/listened to has a 2X2” picture of the book cover, short review, date read & rating. I used a mountain of glue sticks, box of pens, washi tape, boxes of Selphy paper/ink, multiple swap cards, endless photos & stickers galore!
I look forward to filling my new journal.
Hey everyone - I‘m back! I‘ve been kind of back and forth on how involved I want to be in my reading logs. I stopped doing book reviews on my blog. I can‘t ever seem to find the right words to describe how I felt about the book, or the writing itself. I want to keep track of my books read on something other than GR - but I‘m not super artsy either. Anyone have recs for a book journal they‘ve purchased or a template they‘ve used? HELP! Thank you :)
Well my coloring journal, that became a book journal, apparently needs a new page.... I went to write in it tonight and realized I need to start a new page, and carryover 4 books I “meant” to read or at least start by now.... better luck next page. 😂
But hey, I‘m keeping up with the coloring, and my new markers didn‘t soak through near as badly this time, so #BookJournaling win! Now if I could just manage to stay in the lines better.