I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
We read this for our True Crime book club, but there were problems with it. First of all, it hasn't been updated since it came out in the late 90's. The biggest issue is that Orth had no prior knowledge of the gay community that Cunanan was part of, and it shows in her writing, and it reflects a lot of prejudice. However, Cunanan's back story is pretty insane, even the parts he didn't lie about. He still remains a mystery in this book though.
The story is fascinating, but Orth‘s writing is a mess. Her reporting is fragmented—I was never sure where I was in the timeline. Her racism and homophobia are on FULL display, even for the time, I feel like. I was expecting a much higher quality work to do the victim‘s justice. #tbrread #wintergames #teamfozziwig
This book was so fascinating, and the story behind Andrew Cunanan. It was a page turner.
Congratulations to Darren Criss on his Golden Globes win portraying Andrew Cunanan in American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace. His work literally took my breath away.
The writing is a bit stilted—like reading a 400 page newspaper article. But I found the story fascinating and compelling. Humans are so weird and capable of such terrible things.
There‘s no better way to watch the Super Bowl than by having it on in the background while reading about a gay sociopath.
#readharder2018 #abookoftruecrime and an excuse to put off starting the new season of American Crime Story a little longer.
In the summer of 1997 I worked 60 hours a week and followed the news religiously: my night job got out in perfect time for me to come home, have a snack, call my girlfriend, and tune in to Nightline, which headlined the hunt for Cunanan almost every night. I‘ve been having trouble settling into a book this week, so perhaps a little true crime is in order. And interesting trivia: the author is the wife of the late Tim Russert.
Finished just in time for the premiere of the show tonight. A fascinating story. Highly recommended.
pretty excited for the new season of American Crime Story tonight! it‘s based on the tagged book...another brick in my TBR wall. #murderino #truecrime
Here are some of my current and (mostly) TBR reads. Sadly, I own them all.
Library checkouts are at a dozen now, so that's thankfully cut in half.
I sent for info on a few different MLIS programs, I think I'd like being an Archivist.
Despite an increase in headaches, I've had more energy and have been able to tackle some overdue home projects (clearing out pantry, sort through papers, etc).
And I've missed being here the last couple days!
I so needed to do this, so I'm in! #TBRBingo
Please excuse my messy handwriting and wobbly lines - it's what I get for trying to write on top of a snoring cat on my lap!