"Placing anything other than first is not losing. It's a challenge to come back stronger. "
"Placing anything other than first is not losing. It's a challenge to come back stronger. "
I like this book better than Arena. She's improved with character development although it's still far behind where I feel it should be.
I was disappointed to find she had no plans to write the concluding book in the trilogy. Had I known that I might not have chosen to read it, especially with the cliffhanger Gauntlet ended on.
It's more than just a book about virtual gaming.
Being in the public eye forces your darkest secrets to surface. Team Defiance will have to conquer their inner demons to make it through the game.
Readers will also venture into the darker parts of drug relapse. Jennings shows how it affects not only the person addicted but the people around them as well. You'll experience the heartbreak addiction causes.
I want more of this world.
Familiar paths end at the edge of your comfort zone. So, if you don't know where you're going, you're already going the right way.
This book was just as good as the first. A few times the author hinted at the world around them but didn't go into as much detail as I would have liked.
Hard to say if this is the end of if there will be more books.
1. Post a pic of your pet or fave animal.
2. What upcoming weekend plans are getting you through the week - mini vacation with the kids to Niagara Falls.
3. Favourite quote from a book - "Always" - Harry Potter.
4. Currently reading - See Tag.
5. What movie have you watched the most - Batman Returns.