This B styled book is the story of scientist Anna Comstock. People thought she was crazy but she prevailed and a lot of what she studied is still used in classrooms today! This book would be great for RA, GR, or IR. This link will take you to a website that gives a lot more background knowledge that might be useful in preteaching the book!
http://picturebookbuilders.com/2017/02/out-of-school-and-into-nature-the-anna-co... #ucflae3414f17
emilykwilkins UDL 3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge EL 44 Focus on thinking skills; predict, categorize, classify, observe and report (oral-written- pictorial), 7y
DrSpalding I added this to my stack. This would be a great book to share during a unit about female scientists. Share Jane Goodall for example as well. 7y