Perfect!! I'm so glad I found this amazing NF book written by Kira Vermond and illustrated by Julie McLaughlin. It writes in detail about WHY we live here on earth and HOW! Includes facts about currency, the workforce, outer space, and more!! Check out some more of Kira's books here: http://www.kiravermondkids.com/books/ #ucflae3414su17
Elizabethhunt96 This sounds super cool! I was going to be a biology teacher before switching to elementary so this seems like it's definitely up my alley! 8y
DrSpalding This does sound cool! This could answer many questions that even adults may have! Great find! 8y
casandraopont @Kennedys this looks like a great read. I know a lot of my kids draw blanks when we discuss location. This book would definitely put things into perspective. 8y