Not sure if this has a #cheerleader in it, but it‘s about high school, and cheerleaders tend to be the popular girls (or at least in my experience). #FierceFeb
Not sure if this has a #cheerleader in it, but it‘s about high school, and cheerleaders tend to be the popular girls (or at least in my experience). #FierceFeb
#EdgeofSeventeen #RockinMay How can a very unpopular girl become popular? Stephanie Landry sets out to discover and write the rules related to popularity. She's in 11th grade, I think, which puts her so close to 17. Got this one years ago at BookExpo in NYC. Meg Cabot signed it and thought I looked familiar (not the first YA author to say that to me!). I must have a doppelgänger somewhere...