If you are looking to read all if the Jack Reacher short stories this is the book for you. This is a wonderful addition to the Reacher library
If you are looking to read all if the Jack Reacher short stories this is the book for you. This is a wonderful addition to the Reacher library
Lee Child's No Middle Name is a short story collection focusing on the fabulous Jack Reacher, While I enjoyed a glimpse of Reacher-as-teenager, and I appreciated some of the ways that Child played with the mythology of his protagonist or alternative points of view, I did not find this collection quite as compelling as the novels that are such a guilty pleasure for me.
For those in the UK on Goodreads, this giveaway ends next week. 30 copies available but only 19 people requesting so far! I've put in for one for my mum. #goodreadsgiveaway #gogogo #fingerscrossed
So, it‘s a collection of short stories but No Middle Name is also the 22nd Reacher book published so its my #NovermberByTheNumbers for the 22nd!!! I own this and have read it (I always have an “Emergency Reacher” on hand for VERY BAD DAYS and this was one I used for a bad week of stupid job interviews. Worked very very well, I must say 😊😊😊). This photo is my favourite bookstore, once again!
...like every other twentieth-century male human in Europe he hoped they would live lives of peace, prosperity, and plenty, while simultaneously knowing they almost certainly wouldn't. So he hoped they would bear their burdens with grace and good humor...
Reacher at 13 years old! Reacher at 16 years old!
This is a collection of 12 Jack Reacher short stories, some of which have only been published previously in ebook format.