This is a good book for those of us that feel like we don't quiet fit in, who feel like we don't say or do the right things in meetings or interviews, or just feel weird and anxious.
This is a good book for those of us that feel like we don't quiet fit in, who feel like we don't say or do the right things in meetings or interviews, or just feel weird and anxious.
Great advice for all of us. 😊👍
I'm biased. I know the author. She is as lovely, and strong, and smart, and kind as she comes across in this book. Though I have been anxiously awaiting this book to drop, Weird in a World That's Not came to me at the exact right moment I needed it. A high, high, high recommend.
If I were looking to switch careers, this would be right up my alley. 😊🤓
This is not only full of good information, it's also humorous. I'm going to enjoy sitting outside tonight reading this one.