I decided to give #jolabokaflod books + chocolate to my family - the tagged book is for my 13 year old. Merry Christmas!
I decided to give #jolabokaflod books + chocolate to my family - the tagged book is for my 13 year old. Merry Christmas!
This book was lots of fun! My nieces and I had some good laughs - especially the babysitting story!
Reading this with my niece.
I gave this book to my 10 year old daughter and she loves it! Funny stories are her favorite and she read the whole book the night I gave it to her. She has had me read a few of the stories and so far I think "Dear Grandpa: Give Me Money" is the funniest.
HELP! How do you manage your TBR list?! I can't keep up!! This is such a tiny fraction of my pile 😳
If you're looking for recommendations, I've just put a quick run-through of what I've read in the last month on my blog (hint, there's more than what's pictured here!). The link is in my profile! What was the last book you read? Are there any from my post that you've read? If so, what did you think of them?
If your flight is cancelled and you're rebooked on a flight about 800 miles out of your way, these are not bad books to have in your carry on.
One of the books I couldn't leave at the bookstore! I'm hoping it's as wonderful as the authors listed. 🙂
What a great opportunity this would've been to talk about jokes that include vs. jokes that exclude.
None of the examples in this essay were super great (insult your dad's cooking! imitate a person with a prosthesis!), but here's an example that clearly demonstrates that they assume the person reading this does not have a Southern accent, does not live on a farm, and exists in a cultural context where poor rural Southerners are ridiculous. SIGH.