Sticking with the Everyman‘s Library Pocket Poetry and I loved this one. Some of my favorites were from Baudelaire and Apollinaire. I‘d like it if for poetry in translation that they would include the French text parallel to the English translation.
Sticking with the Everyman‘s Library Pocket Poetry and I loved this one. Some of my favorites were from Baudelaire and Apollinaire. I‘d like it if for poetry in translation that they would include the French text parallel to the English translation.
Water and fire....sounds about right. Love French Poetry. So much drama.....
From Delie - by Maurice Sceve, Translated by Richard Sieburth.
The French sure know a thing or two about love won and love lost.....
Getting ready for my trip to Paris in November.
The Deep Street
A patch of mist, large enough
To the envelope you completely, you
And the city and the origins of men:
A coat sticky with moisture, or rather
The tomb you turn in endlessly, even then
It's the street you walk home every day,
And a fetid stink it is, for you,
When the high summer sun is shining
On the trees and on the souls of men
Who have taken up their tombstone
As the cripple took up his bed
And with it lifted the clouds...