April never thought her marriage to Marvin would turn her life upside down; however, her life soon flashes before her eyes, revealing a startling reality. She'd been through hell and back. Her husband brought lies, abuse, betrayal and manipulation to their once loving union.Despite Marvin's effort to change, his past keeps coming back to haunt him, taking him to a dark place. Marvin is hurting and his only relief is to make everyone around him hurt, too. He's more aggressive and jealous than ever, releasing all of his demons. As April starts to take heed to his violent behavior, will she be able to get away without harm, or will Marvin's rage end everything; including her life?
(less)April never thought her marriage to Marvin would turn her life upside down; however, her life soon flashes before her eyes, revealing a startling reality. She'd been through hell and back. Her husband brought lies, abuse, betrayal and