Very sad, would read again.
Very sad, would read again.
"You Don't have a choice of getting hurt but you do get to choose who gets to hurt you"
This one line was so much more than the entire book
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep. Slowly, then all at once.” Upon reread #2, I can further confirm that you WILL cry in TFIOS
November TBR 🖤
- Origin by Dan Brown
- The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
- All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda
- Into The Water by Paula Hawkins
These are all of my books in English. 💗 But I promise I'll buy more.
Time for my winners announcement!!! The winner of The fault in our stars is *drum roll*
Congratulations!!!! 🎈🍾🎊🎉Please email your address at puredragonstar @ Gmail.com
1. Books and movies don‘t generally make me cry, but this book and it‘s movie adaptation sure did.
2. Polka dots!
3. Cheese sauce with chili dipped in ranch
4. Soda
Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.
What's to say? It's a John Green novel, the author I hate to love! Here's a guy that's super talented wrenching to heart out of everyone that reads him. There's no doubt his teen fueled stories riff on the likes of Holden Caulfield, and that he puts a capital "z" in zeitgeist, but there ought to be a law against authors that cause unsolicited tear jerking every other chapter!
The fault in our stars is my Favorite book, this book is heart warming and heart breaking at the same time, Hazel meets a boy in support group and Falls in love with him, "slowly, and all at once"-John Green. This book is a fantastic book and I definitely recommend it!
Oblivion is inevitable
Our The Fault in our Stars candle 🙌 available from September 1st
All I can say about this book is that it was so good! A perfect romance with the hint of tragedy. A great book.
"Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book."
The fault in our stars literally had its own phase when its movie released! Everyone (almost) loved it! I think the movie was as good as the book. Obviously the book is always better but this movie did not disappoint its readers! 💖the book was filled with soo many emotions and i loved it when i read it back in 2012! 💕I recommend this books to everyone who loves romance novels with alot of sobbing 😭
#faultinourstars #bookreview #bookish
Okay? okay?
So far so good I am getting into this book the more I read. I feel so bad for Hazel that her cancer is not curable 😢. I am on chapter 10 and can't wait too see what happens next ...
I dun Reli like this bk. This bk is written in Hazel's point of view. But the writer is a man. He can't write any feminine touch at all. He doesn't kno wt a girl wuld write & think. As a girl reading this I'm definitely sure Hazel wun be thinking like that.When I read until the end of the bk I got bored already. There wasn't Reli much to read and feel for Hazel. So I gave it a Pan but this story does Reli base on everyone.This is just wt I think.
So far so good 💕 only on chapter 4 ✨
Hi guys !💕
*waves through the screen*
I just found out about this app and I think k u already love it !
Hello my name is Jessica and nice to meet you !
You can also find me on Instagram : jesbooks._
Thank Gosh I still have some of my old photos :)
The fault in our stars was one of my favourite books ! I cried a lot 😂😭
Hello Littens!!!
1) New York, NY 🗽
2) I was actually on Litsy about a year ago after discovering it from a facebook ad. Glad to see a lot of new & old friends here!! 🤗 #welcomeLitten
3) The Fault in Our Stars ✨
4) yes!! He crawled into our garden from a nearby pond. We called him Leonardo on Mondays, Raphael on Tuesdays, Michaelangelo on Wednesdays & Donatello the rest of the time 😂😅🐢(this was back in the 90's, and I was very young)
@saguarosally #welcomelitten
So i'm new here i thought i also do it
1. Hyderabad, Pakistan
2. Bookstagram
3. The fault in our stars
4. No
Day 12 of #junebookbugs challenge #canteven - I picked this book because I can't even get over how sad this book is!! I haven't finished it but I got too sad and didn't want to see the ending. The book is currently in time out for making me cry !!!!
This is TEARIN me up! 😩😭
As someone who is currently experiencing cancer loss & playing the "waiting game" for that "Good Last Day" I'm glad that the book was written & that it could push me through this season.
Ummmm WOW!... Now this is one lucky person! SAY YESSSSSS
An instant classic ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The fault in our star by John Green #livrelollipop