All you need for an amazing field trip is a magical bus!
All you need for an amazing field trip is a magical bus!
The Magic School Bus Presents: Planet Earth written by Tom Jackson is a great way for children to be exposed on all aspects that make up their living arrangements. It describes how powerful water is and talkie about minerals, crystals and rock experts. This book is also a way for students to make connects with what is being discussed in their science classrooms. http://gws.ala.org/content/magic-school-bus-page#.WOq29jz3aaM #UCFLAE3414sp17
The Magic School Bus Presents: The Rainforest written by Tom Jackson is a great book that you can read to students to open with when discussing about Rainforests. This book is filled with the importance of Rainforests and what make up one. It has facts from how plants survive to all the different types of animals and creatures that are able to live in a rainforest! https://www.scholastic.com/magicschoolbus/ #UCFLAE3414sp17