The great and not-as-great thing about this book is how scientific it is throughout. The heavy amount of neuroscience terminology makes it difficult to read at times, but it is so informative and the suggestions the author provides for promoting an upward spiral on your own are great - they‘re small changes, they‘re easy to do, and he explains how they can cause a snowball effect. I definitely recommend this to everyone. #24b4monday total, too
Sooooo, I‘m gonna try this weekend‘s #24b4Monday but we‘ll see how well that goes since I‘m doing my family‘s thanksgiving tomorrow & I‘m doing all the cooking with my mom...😅 so let‘s go!
I saw some people posting about Litsy‘s #Booked2019 challenge and decided I would participate, too!😊
I am loving how all the suggestions in this book are about making tiny changes in your life. Every time I see something about “blah blah blah will help with your depression,” it‘s suggesting a huge change, like running a mile three days a week. This book is so much more realistic & it actually explains not only how these tiny changes will help, but how they‘ll snowball to even more tiny changes, ultimately making a big difference.
...okay I totally thought this would be another “just think positively and snap out of it!” book, but I‘m legitimately impressed with how well the author explains how depression works and how it impacts people. I‘m still in the neuroscience section of the book, but so far it‘s actually much better than I anticipated.
My anxiety is through the roof while I wait to hear back on these jobs so what better time to dive into a book about depression (which my anxiety is currently distracting me from), amiright? #anxietyonhighalert #interviewsarestressful #anxietyinducing #depression #lolletsdealwithallourmentalhealthissuesatonce