Well, I always did like her.😊 https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahagbeni/answer-questions-and-well-tell-you-which-f...
@Nitpickyabouttrains I am SO enjoying this candle, it smells delicious!! I made myself wait until I could sit down and watch a little Buffy. 😍🎥🕯📚🙌🏼 #geekygraphicnovelswap
Although it was necessary to spoil the secret part of #secretsantagoespostal, I got to deliver my gift to @FantasyChick ( left) in person. My son attends University about 15 minutes from her home town, (which is about two hours from me) so we met at that most Canadian of institutions, Tim Hortons, when I went to pick him up today for his Christmas Break. How cool is that, @MrBook @BookBabe & @Avanders
Although it was necessary to spoil the secret part of #secretsantagoespostal, I got to deliver my gift to @FantasyChick (left) in person. My son attends University about 15 minutes from her hometown, so we met at that most Canadian of institutions, Tim Hortons. How cool is that, @MrBook @BookBabe & @Avanders?
Reading this today, in honor of Buffy's 20th anniversary. Happy anniversary to the best show ever! It's definitely time for yet another rewatch.