Loved this book. Felt like Pearl (main character) became my best childhood friend.
Loved this book. Felt like Pearl (main character) became my best childhood friend.
This series is so captivating, I just love the world that Finkbeiner has created. Pearl, the 10 year old main character has to move away from the home she has always known. What she and her family leave behind changes everything. This book is full of plot twists and turns and will require you hold your breath from page 1.
Absolutely loved this second in the series book by Susie Finkbeiner! The first book was a little depressing For Me, Maybe my mood at the time or the fact that a young girl had to go through so much, or maybe both! In any case, I absolutely fell in love with the spunky little girl Pearl has become in this book! I can't wait to continue the story this evening with A Song of Home, pre release through Net Galley to launch team members! #ASongOfHome!
Two days, two books in the mail. And one book that I picked up from one of the little free libraries that that I "book bombed" yesterday. "Book Bombing" is when a Little Free Library steward fills up an empty or nearly empty little Free Library with books. I'm starting to think book blessings sound much nicer! At this rate, I shall never run out of books! ??????❤?