Today‘s tree brought back memories of the mythical “green man” we heard/read about as kids. 💚
Today‘s tree brought back memories of the mythical “green man” we heard/read about as kids. 💚
#FancyFunFonts On the list for my spring season reads. #ReadingResolutions @Jess7
Up next 😊📖
#musicaltitles This can fit with folklore Druidic songs. The Green Man comes up more by Type O Negative #maybookflowers
#greencovers My recent book sale buy 🌿 all set for spring reads. #marchintoreading
The town of Sutton had a power outage, yesterday morning, spoiling the Job Fair but recovering as I was about to bus back home. I stayed and stopped by Scotiabank, picking up a discovery of The Green Man at their charity book sale. More walks with a packed lunch, on my way to the library, then catching the Newmarket to work.