What kind of book nerd am I?! Accurate result Buzzfeed!
I could talk about how I need to read more Márquez, Allende, Zambra, Borges, Lispector, etc... but instead, I'm going to plug for a book read earlier this year by Brazilian author Alexandre Vidal Porto. I had mixed feelings when I finished, mainly about his writing style, but the novella itself left a lasting impact and made me think. There will also never be enough books on transgender identity, so there you have it.
I finished this book quickly, but not sure I really "got it" - especially because I felt like Sandra's story was just used to help the protagonist grow, which seems problematic & indicative of so many stories trying to be inclusive but only seeing the "other" as a prop.
@Liberty reviews it as her Quick Pick on Book Riot today. http://bookriot.com/2016/05/06/quick-pick-may-6-2016-2/. Sounds amazing! I guess I have no choice but to quit my day job if I'm going to keep up with all her awesome recommends...