I was forced to socialize with some very wonderful people tonight but the introvert in me needs to decompress! #bookandblankie #seasonsreadings
I was forced to socialize with some very wonderful people tonight but the introvert in me needs to decompress! #bookandblankie #seasonsreadings
The LA library is claiming it's the 30th annual Stay at Home and Read a Book Ball on March 4th. This is the first one I've ever heard of... But I'm all in.
Any time of the day 3/4/18
Any location
Any attire
Just post something to your social media site of choice and use #StayHomeandRead
Attention! The always awesome @Ambrosnazzy is hosting another #LitsyPartyofOne in November. Follow her for all the details. #aintnopartylikeanintrovertparty
This weekend has been extra busy and I've hardly had any time to party. 🙁 (No, audio cleaning does not count as party time.)
Now it's Monday afternoon, but the party still goes on, right? I've ordered pizza, told the kids they can watch Pokemon or whatever to their hearts' content, and barricaded myself in the kitchen with coffee, cookies, and books to finish. If that's not a #LitsyPartyOfOne then I don't know what is!
I just bought my treats for #LitsyPartyofOne and even have cute new slippers to wear. 😄 Now to choose my book.