I‘ve only ever read two books more than once, and only one book more than twice. I‘ve seen it mentioned quite a lot recently, so decided it must be time for a fourth reading!
I‘ve only ever read two books more than once, and only one book more than twice. I‘ve seen it mentioned quite a lot recently, so decided it must be time for a fourth reading!
Sometimes you‘re a little sad and you need to read an old favorite.
What are your feel good reads?
When I think of #Five, I think of the wonderful Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a trilogy in #five parts! 😂Of course spoilt slightly now as Eoin Coifer has written a sixth one since the tragically early death of Douglas Adams. #NovemberByTheNumbers
When I read these in college I thought they were brilliant. Hitchhiker's Guide was the funniest and most enjoyable science fiction book I'd ever read. How did Adams come up with this? He must be #outofthisworld!
Happy towel day! I always keep my towel in my car (hubs and DD have one in their cars, too). We are super-prepared! 😂
#READATHONBLOB Because this was the book that set me on the path of geekery thirty 😱 years ago and it's way too difficult pick only one recent fave.