Interesting tales of the women who inspired, built and ran this home. There was a little bit too much about their husbands at times for me, but it was still a mostly female focused narrative history.
Interesting tales of the women who inspired, built and ran this home. There was a little bit too much about their husbands at times for me, but it was still a mostly female focused narrative history.
In an earlier post, I stated my obsession with the historic rich, visiting their stately homes and reading about their shenanigans. Well, that obsession extends beyond the US border to the stately homes of Europe. I‘ve never left the US - except for a few hours on Campobello Island in Canada - so I‘ve never visited these estates. But, this is one book that will #CarryMeHome to one of these estates. Yet another tbr. #TimbitTunes
I immediately thought of this book for #estates - it‘s been on my radar since it came out a year or two ago. One of those stately homes in England and its history, told through a few of its mistresses. #150PnPCoverParty
Some historical non-fiction books from my Kindle for #itshistory. #anditsaugust @RealLifeReading. All TBR!
After a migraine and headache day yesterday, and a spontaneous day off today (my afternoon client cancelled - yay for me but not for her friend in the hospital), I'm hoping I can get some pages in for this bad boy. It's an ARC from June, so a bit overdue for a review. And it's good, just info-heavy, so it's harder to read quickly.