Went to Boston, came back with four boxes of lahmejun from Eastern Lamejun Bakery, four loaves of challah from Cheryl Anne‘s bakery, and six books from @HarvardBooks. Good day.
Went to Boston, came back with four boxes of lahmejun from Eastern Lamejun Bakery, four loaves of challah from Cheryl Anne‘s bakery, and six books from @HarvardBooks. Good day.
I filled in more than a few gaps in my knowledge regarding the Crusades. I knew that possession of Jerusalem was the primary locus of the conflict. However, it was very far from the sole focus. Cities like Antioch, Acre, Tyre, and even Damascus and Cairo were in heavy dispute as well.
This was an incredible insight into a side of history we dont often see! It also portrays the west in a light not typically seen as someone who lives in the west. For anyone interested in he crusades or maybe just history in general this is a must read!