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Pompeii: The Life of a Roman Town | Mary Beard
13 posts | 9 read | 2 reading | 33 to read
WINNER OF THE WOLFSON HISTORY PRIZE 2008 The ruins of Pompeii, buried by an explosion of Vesuvius in 79 CE, offer the best evidence we have of everyday life in the Roman empire. This remarkable book rises to the challenge of making sense of those remains, as well as exploding many myths: the very date of the eruption, probably a few months later than usually thought; or the hygiene of the baths which must have been hotbeds of germs; or the legendary number of brothels, most likely only one; or the massive death count, maybe less than ten per cent of the population. An extraordinary and involving portrait of an ancient town, its life and its continuing re-discovery, by Britain's leading classicist.
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Day 2 - #Nature

Pompei was an ancient city near Naples(Italy). Pompeii, along with Herculaneum and many villas in the surrounding area was buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.

Mahatma_Canejeeves I‘m fascinated with the history of the Roman Empire and Pompeii and Herculaneum. It‘s on my bucket list to visit Pompeii. Maybe some day. 🙂 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ❤️ 3y
Eggs Fascinating event/topic 🌋 😞🌏 3y
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Ast_Arslan @Eggs you're right! It's so fascinating even if it has been a tragedy 3y
Ast_Arslan @Arkrayder Pompei it's on my bucket list too! I suggest you the Roman Forum if you haven't visit yet, it's really impressive! 3y
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Today was new nails day (pic to come soon), finishing this green apple green baby blanket and getting this gift from me to me. That might be my non-fiction book for the summer. #newbook #knitting

LeahBergen What a pretty blanket! 5y
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My current reads — The Iliad by Homer Trans. By Anthony Verity. Pompeii by Mary Beard. 🐞

Annnndddd, say hello to my autumn theme. It‘s all set and ready to go. I‘m in awe of it and I am so ready for all the autumn goodness! *looking at you spiced lattes at Costa* 🐞

What are you reading right now? #greek #rome #spqr #ancientrome #ancientgreece

Cathythoughts Beautiful pic 💫💫💫 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @Cathythoughts Thank you Cathy dear x 6y
tammysue Lovely ✨ 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @whatshesreadingnow Thank you Tammy! How are you? I‘ve been seriously MIA here x 6y
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Visited Pompeii today. This room was a library, so naturally I added emojis so we could all visualize 😏😂 #teachersoflitsy

Books88 That's so awesome 7y
JoeStalksBeck Awesome ‼️📖📚❤️ 7y
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Reading in front of the fire has got to be a good way to spend the evening! I haven't picked up this book in a while, but reading it now has made me question why I ever put it down in the first place! #eveningsorted

Born.A.Reader I wish it were cool enough here for a fire. *sighs wistfully* 7y
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Looks like I'm all set for an evening of studying! I'm trying to convince myself that reading Pompeii is a vital part of my Latin and Roman Civilisation studies - it's truly too good to put down! #procrastination

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Absolutely loving this book at the moment! It is a fantastically written witty, captivating and utterly brilliant look at the Pompeii we know, and the reality we don't! Can't wait to finish it!

ValerieAndBooks I liked her SPQR. Welcome to Litsy! 7y
youngreadrshelf Looks interesting. Looking forward to your review. 7y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings Welcome to Litsy!!! 😊❤️🙌📚🎉 7y
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Mentioned this book so I should review. Beard is one of the preeminent experts on Roman history and in this book she reviews the knowledge which we possess on Pompeii and seeks to debunk many of the myths which have grown around the doomed city as well as raising facts which throw light on everyday Roman life. Things such as the lack of kitchen facilities in lower class houses, in upper class houses the unsavory combination of latrine and kitchen

Oblomov26 , that Pompeii seems to have had a system one way streets for carts. I also found it interesting that the picture we have of Pompeii being a thriving metropolis is incorrect and evidence suggest that it had been largely evacuated due to quakes in the lead up to the eruption 8y
MrBook Interesting... 8y
ValerieAndBooks I'm currently reading SPQR by the same author! Maybe I'll get to this one also, eventually. 8y
I-read-and-eat Just bought a new translation of Plinius' letters concerning the Vesuvius. This book might be interesting, to put it in a broader perspective. 8y
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Walking actual Pompeiian streets may be beyond my means, but I've got the next best thing: a virtual guided tour from the incomparable Mary Beard. She strikes precisely the best balance between detail and commentary to keep me enraptured in that distant world.

shawnmooney I have never read Mary Beard, but am so interested in this topic! How accessible is her writing? I am not interested in academic history anymore, but well-written popular history is of great interest. Please give me your advice. Thanks! 8y
Grrlbrarian This is very layperson-friendly, @shawnmooney. I'm one myself and don't find her writing dry or overly technical. 10/10 would recommend and can't wait to pick up SPQR, another of her books! 8y
shawnmooney Thank you so much! I'm definitely going to check it out! 8y
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