Way too long and tedious. I love her descriptions but this was just a bit too much so I skipped a lot.Also I‘m not a fan of historical fiction. So I‘ve read two of the six. I‘ve started the next one it‘s historical fiction also. So I shall see.
Way too long and tedious. I love her descriptions but this was just a bit too much so I skipped a lot.Also I‘m not a fan of historical fiction. So I‘ve read two of the six. I‘ve started the next one it‘s historical fiction also. So I shall see.
If I were to judge a book by its cover I would guess that this will be a good one. #readmyowndamnbooks
1. I cannot name just one... mainly because everyone id want to take is a serial thriller writer and would probably think of a million ways to kill me off... so I‘ll settle with someone recently deceased and bug her with a million questions...
2. Andrew McMahon 😍
3. Wine. Lots and lots of wine.
@GarthRanzz thanks for posting!!!
RIP Anita Shreve 💖
Fortune‘s Rocks was one of the first ‘grown up‘ books I ever read from my school library when I was 12. It completely captured me heart and soul and though I moved on in my tastes and haven‘t read as many of her books as I might have liked, I couldn‘t tell the story of my relationship with books without this one. Thank you for giving me something so important, probably one of the books I‘ve got the most from in my whole life.
Absolutely devastated to hear Anita Shreve has passed away. 😔😭 One of my absolute favorite authors. The world has lost a beautiful voice.
I read this because I had liked the author's previous book, The Pilot's Wife. This was the story of a young woman who has an affair with her father's friend, who is 3X her age and married with children. I found their relationship revolting. No longer on my shelf. It had a beautiful cover which just goes to show you that you can't judge a book by its cover! #taintedlove #junetunz
#photoadaynov16 #headlesscovers
I used to be a huge Anita Shreve fan, maybe I still am, but I was disappointed by her book Stella Bain. I've read all her earlier works and I really liked them. I wonder if I re-read them now if I'll still like them as much. 📚 🐱