Sunday morning vibes.💙
Cool morning, hot cup of tea, little one playing by himself (he's got an imagination!), and a good book. 💛
Sunday morning vibes.💙
Cool morning, hot cup of tea, little one playing by himself (he's got an imagination!), and a good book. 💛
The perfect ending to a great day! 💛
Typical Christian Fiction. One reason I like reading Tracie Peterson is that she does her research when writing a book. If you like historical or Christian fiction I think you'll like this book.
Grabbed Chinese on my way home. It's been a day so I splurged. Yay long weekend!
You will quickly get engulfed in the charactors, and the area. The writing will put a desire in you, not only to respect those who risked their lives to climb Denali, but also those who lived and toiled in his shadow. Cassidy has such a love for the area and a possitive disposition that she strengthens everyone around her. While Allan has come to Alaska to learn about his fathers death but also to learn to love the area as his father did.
Finishing this up while watching The Great American Baking Show. This show always makes me hungry and want to bake!