11-22-17: If you read my last post about meeting David at his book signing then you read that I did get to meet him years later. Here we are in Las Vegas in 2000. I don't look like this anymore 😂, but I'll never forget this night! 💔
11-22-17: If you read my last post about meeting David at his book signing then you read that I did get to meet him years later. Here we are in Las Vegas in 2000. I don't look like this anymore 😂, but I'll never forget this night! 💔
11-22-17: Yesterday, my first love, David Cassidy, passes away and I am truly devastated. When his book first came out I went to Tower Books on South Street in Philadelphia and I met him and he signed a copy of his book for me. This was before iPhones so I never got a picture. A few years later I went to Las Vegas and saw him in concert and he permitted me, alone, to visit him backstage and I got a wonderful picture. He was awesome! 💔📖