Working on catching up on #litsylove I need a better system of organizing.
Working on catching up on #litsylove I need a better system of organizing.
So I have these #LitsyLove letters to send out, but I keep forgetting to get them to a post office, haha. Someone‘s been snooping in our mailbox, and I want to make sure these get to whom they‘re supposed to instead of winding up in a stranger‘s hands. Anyway, they‘ll probably go out in the next day or so!
A rare half an hour of afternoon reading enjoyed today with a cup of tea. I only had a few chapters left and just couldn't stay up any later last night to finish. With a rainy afternoon, the call of the book and tea was just too much to resist 😊I read the last two books out of order but I am now all caught up and waiting for the new release coming out soon. Now, back to the laundry and making granola 😁
Well besides my annoyance with some illogical dialogue and unintelligent assumptions about genetics - I did really like this book. It's my favorite so far that I've read in the series. I like where the characters are and I enjoyed the mystery. I recommend this one highly. If you read the first in the series and dislike it then read this one next and see how you like it. I'm sure you'll like it more. #elleryadams
So maybe this is nitpicking but it's bugging the crap out of me. Olivia found out a book or two ago that her Dad was actually her uncle. She's really the daughter of his twin brother. So, the half brother she thought she had isn't her brother after all. BUT she keeps saying things like they don't "share an ounce of blood" and how they're not really related. What? They're cousins. First cousins. Does she not know how genetics and family trees work?