Week 3 Game I did the best I could. 😅 #Scarathlon #BatBrigade 80 words @Catsandbooks
Week 3 Game I did the best I could. 😅 #Scarathlon #BatBrigade 80 words @Catsandbooks
I‘ve never read it. I liked the annotated Frankenstein, but this one is a little overwhelming...
Belated review... my book club took October AND November to tackle this lengthy classic. I‘m glad I read it, but I was expecting more depth (partly due to a friend‘s recommendation). In the end, it felt like just a straight-up adventure story. But I enjoyed the adventure! The Victorian attitudes & tropes were fascinating—simultaneous victim-shaming & excessive exaltation of female purity! I loved how Stoker used the epistolary format so well. ⤵️
Got to church early tonight, so I‘m sitting outside reading Dracula and enjoying the sunset. I‘m also enjoying the fact that I‘m reading Dracula in the church parking lot. While watching the cross on the roof silhouetted against said sunset. 😁
My eclectic Sunday afternoon reading material...
This is my ambitious TBR plan for October, plus a few more graphic novels, YA books, and e-reads not pictured. Not sure about getting in the re-reads for Salem‘s Lot and Frankenstein but I am hopeful. Excited to start #scarathlon Go team #TeamStoker 🧛🏿♂️ 👻 Also, plotted out my books 📚 for #ScaryScavengerHunt Ready for a spooky 🧟♂️ October!
I'm so digging into this pronto! Oh, Library of the County Monmouth, how I love you! Tail of cat not included.🎃☠️👻
This week's #bookhaul. Well, okay, yesterday's. I'm super excited about the Annotated Dracula because it's hardcover and pristine, even though I found it used for $8.99. Now I can mark up my paperback copy as I do research! And I've been waiting on both of these graphic novels! (And you can always use another mass market of Golden Compass for $4. Especially when you plan to reread it this summer. Right?)
Even I can hardly believe I've never read Dracula. Picked this up from the local library in October of last year and am just getting to it. Many renewals. I'm kind of an asshole.