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Highlander's Touch
Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning
15 posts | 58 read | 12 to read
A Warrior Of Immortal Powers He was a mighty Scottish warrior who lived in a world bound by ancient laws and timeless magic. But no immortal powers could prepare the laird of Castle Brodie for the lovely accursed lass who stood before him. A terrible trick of fate had sent her 700 years back in time and into his private chamber to tempt him with her beauty and seduce him with a desire he could never fulfill. For this woman he burned to possess was alsothe woman he had foresworn to destroy. A Woman Caught In The Mists Of Time When Lisa felt the earth move under her feet, the fiercely independent 21st-century woman never dreamed she was falling...into another century. But the powerful, naked warrior who stood glaring down at her was only too real...and too dangerously arousing. Irresistibly handsome he might be, but Lisa had no intention of remaining in this savage land torn by treachery and war. How could she know that her seductive captor had other plans for her...plans that would save her from a tragic fate? Or that this man who had long ago forsaken love would defy time itself to claim her for his own...."
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The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning

Bk 3/8: more time travel, cursed objects, a vow made without thought, classic rom tropes. The Túath Dé from Bk 1 makes an appearance as a 2nd main influence. There‘s a bit more at stake here re:the vow but you already know how it‘ll pan out. The female main has strongest reasons to return to 21st century of all the others. Plot twist hits & that‘s when you think, would they really?

The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning
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The rain stopped so Peri and I went for a walk. It was very windy!
I‘m about halfway through this audiobook. It‘s really weird reading a book you know you loved when you first read it, but not remembering any of it. It‘s like I‘m reading the book for the first time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #audiowalking

The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning
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Night time #audiopuzzling. 🧩

The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning
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On today‘s walk I started the 3rd book in Moning‘s Highlander series. This was the one I gave 5 stars on goodreads when I first read it. Wondering if it will be my favorite of the series again? #audiowalking

The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning

I enjoyed this better than some of the others in the series. The beginning kind of dragged for me.
17 hours 27 minutes of #24b4monday
97 books read for 2019.

Andrew65 A great time. 🥳🍾🥂🙌👏👏👏 Happy New Year. 4y
audraelizabeth @Andrew65 thank you. Happy new year. My total might get a tad higher but not much. 4y
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The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning

I knew I was in iffy territory with a time-travel romance. This was better than any time-travel romance I have read previously. Still pretty terrible.

The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning
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Not groundbreaking and the plot was oddly paced, but decent enough brain popcorn. 👍🏼👍🏼1/2

The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning
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Reading and working...gotta love slow afternoons!

BooksTeasAndBookishThings It picks up with Kiss and then Dark for me. The first three are only so-so 7y
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The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning
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I'm a little stalled on The Way of Kings after 500 pages and 500 more to go. So I'm taking a quick break to give KMM's Highlander series a try. Since I love the Fever series, I'm excited.

Seekingtardis It's so good!! I love that I recognize some of the characters in the Fever series!! 7y
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The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning

(Continuing rereading the series)

I still love this book the 4th time through. I liked the historical parts of the book with the Templars. The love story was good and I liked that Circenne adapted so easily to everything. Of course my favorite part is when the Fae are involved. I do wish we got a epilogue but I know this ain't the last we see of this couple.


El toque del Highlander | Karen Marie Moning
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Terminado libro #11
Que decir? Fue de fácil lectura, me encantó la energía de Lisa, y lo fácil que fue para Cirsenn romper tantas reglas con tal de vivir un amor que trasciende el tiempo y espacio.

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El toque del Highlander | Karen Marie Moning
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-Duerme con los angeles, mi querida reina- dijo suavemente. "Pero regresa. Este diablo te necesita como nunca antes necesitó a nadie." Circenn

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El toque del Highlander | Karen Marie Moning
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El señor del castillo de Brodue es un poderoso guerrero escocés y habitante de un mundo ancestral que se rige por oscuras fuerzas sobrenaturales, donde la violencia y la traición marcan cada uno de sus días. Hasta el llega la encantadora Lisa procedente ni más ni menos que del siglo XXI debido a un caprichoso giro del destino. Pero ni los siete siglos que los separan ni la guerra que desgarrado Highlands escocesas serán suficiente para ahogar...

The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning
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For #FunFridayPhoto the first time travel book that popped in my head was the Highlander series by Karen Marie Moning. I love this series and this one is my favorite of the bunch. I grabbed the library I work at's copy to take the photo, but think I will actually check it out and re-read it. 😊

The Highlander's Touch | Karen Marie Moning
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So this is the book nearly everyone says to start the series from. Considering how I enjoyed the two they said to skip, I've got some pretty high hopes.

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