My Brother Martin: A Sister Remembers Growing up with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Is wonderful B RA book to celebrate MLK Day in your classroom! The story is told from his sister, Christine King Farris, which gives your students a different perspective of what he was really like growing up. The book was also written to encourage children to work to achieve their dreams and the illustrations are also gorgeous and inspiring! #ucflae3414f17
JanaLL http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/martin-luther-kin... This extension lesson provides numerous activities for this book, including a "MLK Jr and Me" journal template that will help your students create many text to self connections! 7y
JanaLL EL 11 - Place Language in meaningful context. UDL 8.3 - Foster collaboration and community. 7y
ashley.v I haven‘t heard of this book. It seems like a great book and it is a great idea to give students a different perspective on such an important person in American history. 7y
DrSpalding To hear from the sister's point of you in this biography would be a wonderful text to text connection with many of the other books regarding this famous historical figure. Nice job aligning your strategies. Be sure your resource links so that we can click it and check it out!🙂 7y
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