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Hanteringen av odöda
Hanteringen av odöda | John Ajvide Lindqvist
?Stockholm en dag i mitten av augusti: Det är onaturligt varmt fast det är sent på kvällen och överallt klagar människor på huvudvärk. Det känns som om ett elektriskt fält lagt sig över stan. Ett omvänt strömavbrott. Inga lampor kan släckas, inga maskiner stängas av. Paniken ligger i luften. Så plötsligt är allt över. Ingenting har hänt ...? ?? ?Den pensionerade journalisten Gustav Mahler är trött på livet. Allt har gått fel och allra värst är att hans älskade barnbarn Elias nyligen dött i en olyckshändelse. Nu får Mahler plötsligt ett samtal från en gammal kontakt på Danderyds sjukhus som påstår att de döda vaknar. Det måste vara ett skämt. Ändå tar han sig dit för att undersöka saken.? ?? ?Han möts av en lika ofattbar som skrämmande syn. Läkare på sjukhuset bekräftar: massor av människor som avlidit under den senaste tiden tycks ha vaknat till liv.? ?? ?Mahler slås av en tanke. Elias. Men han är ju begravd. Mahler vet ändå att han måste åka till kyrkogården.? ?? ?Hanteringen av odöda är en skräckroman av klassiskt snitt, men också en mycket gripande berättelse om kärlek som trotsar själva döden.?
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Handling the Undead | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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1. Yes, please. Handling the Undead is a great one.
2. I really want to say werewolves, but it's vampires. I'm always on the hunt for a great werewolf book, but I usually find them too heavy on romance. Soulless is fun.
3. I'm all about slashers, as long as it's not torture porn territory.
4. Halloween (1978), Poltergeist (1982) and Scream
5. Licorice, but not the pull and peel kind!


Marmie7 I agree about the werewolf books! It's hard to find a decent book or movie. 5y
ShyBookOwl @Marmie7 glad I'm not alone in that! 5y
bullbunny The pull and peel, yes have to agree 5y
ShyBookOwl @bullbunny yes! The texture is all off! 5y
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Handling the Undead | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Really liking this one so far. A unique take on the zombie story. Super creepy. #zombies

TheWordJar I have a soft spot for zombies, so I need to check this out! I read Harbor by this author a few years ago and wasn‘t impressed, but I hear such great things about Let the Right Ones In and now zombies...I‘m willing to give him a second chance! 6y
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Handling the Undead | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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What a happy-sad moment, browsing and finding a book I love but have already read. Wish I could discover this again! This book is the DEFINITIVE zombie book: scary, suspenseful, beautiful, and profound. Highly recommend this book!

Handling the Undead | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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#May keeps me safe from dastardly bookmarks #catsofLitsy

Texreader 😂😂😂😻 7y
Mimi28 Aaaaawwww!!! 7y
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Hanteringen av odöda | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Eng. Handling the undead. Sort of a soft zombie story taking part in the Stockholm region. More thoughtful than scary. Perhaps a bit too predictable for my taste although not necessarily bad. Read and find out ☺

Handling the Undead | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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#creepycovers for #booktober !

I may not sleep tonight knowing this is on my shelf 😱

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Adding to TBR!! 8y
Libby1 @Marchpane - I think I accidentally unfollowed you at some point. Sorry! I've remedied the situation now. 😀 8y
MicheleinPhilly Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. 8y
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Marchpane @Libby1 no need to apologise! Lovely to see you again 😊 8y
valeriegeary Oh my!! 😱 8y
Marchpane @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled.com the book is not as scary as the cover would suggest! Actually I would say it is more psychological suspense rather than horror. 8y
Marchpane @MicheleinPhilly @valeriegeary Right? I may have turn it round to face the wall! 8y
RealLifeReading No way would I ever take this book home!! 8y
Annl I agree @RealLifeReading . If I read it, it would have to be on my kindle or a book with a different cover. I recently had to return a book to the library unread because of the cover! 8y
Lindy Would you sleep more soundly if you put the book in your freezer? 😉 8y
MarticaMustRead Whoa...that cover is reminiscent of Chucky from "Childs Play"....?? 8y
bellasocks That cover!😱ðŸƒðŸ¼ðŸƒðŸ¼ 8y
Hobbinol â¤ï¸Lindqvist! I wish someone would translate his new trilogy series. 8y
Beckys_Books That is a CREEPY cover! 8y
theahanner I don't normally like zombies but let the right one in was so good I might have to read this for the Halloween season! Is it worth the scary cover? 8y
Marchpane @theahanner depends if you want scary scary or creepy and unsettling. It's definitely the latter. 8y
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Handling the Undead | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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I'm not a huge zombie fan, but I really liked this book. It was a different take on zombies and it is a little bit of a slower paced horror book. The only complaint I have is the ending....

TricksyTails I love your taste in books! 📚💜 7y
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Handling the Undead | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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If you want rabid zombies and a fast paced action plot, this is not for you. It's not what you think. However if you're in the mood for something different to think about, then maybe? It's not the greatest but I gave it a go anyway. So so.