Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 9, Vol.1 | Angel & Faith: Season 9, Vol. 1 🌑🗡️ trying to snatch up as many of these as possible before they go out of print, even if that means buying them out of order; I waited too long. 😔
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 9, Vol.1 | Angel & Faith: Season 9, Vol. 1 🌑🗡️ trying to snatch up as many of these as possible before they go out of print, even if that means buying them out of order; I waited too long. 😔
Thank God, they've resisted the urge to go nuts with the unlimited budget and have gone back to stories focused on characters and relationships, with cool paranormal activity of course. Overall I am way more into the tone and scope of this than season eight. However, the art still sucks and I can't fucking recognize people. And I have qualms about this pregnancy storyline, especially considering how terribly they handled that idea on Angel...