Outstanding! This is the third novel of his that I read (the other two being "The Book of Joe" and "This Is Where I Leave You") and I loved all three of them. Tropper is quickly becoming one of my all-time favorite novelists.
Outstanding! This is the third novel of his that I read (the other two being "The Book of Joe" and "This Is Where I Leave You") and I loved all three of them. Tropper is quickly becoming one of my all-time favorite novelists.
Housing Works book haul part 3/4. I've read One Last Thing Before I Go by Tropper and enjoyed it. Thought I'd give this book a try. $3!
Å vad jag gillar Jonathan Tropper! Riktigt bra bok om sorg och kärlek. Ledsamt, med samtidigt varm och roligt. Rekommenderar starkt!
Good book but probably his worst. Funny, poignant, and definitely worth reading. If you want to pick up Tropper, read his others first.