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2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur Charles Clarke
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Haywood Floyd, director of the original Discovery mission, sets out to discover what happened to HAL 9000 and comes face to face with something claiming to be Dave Bowman
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2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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I find the older I get the less new stuff I listen to as I like my old comforts! Like the other Mums of my generation, this is very influenced by my kids ❤️
#partytime #maybenow

britt_brooke Muse 💚 4y
Cinfhen Thanks for sharing, it was worth waiting for 😊🎶🙌🏻 4y
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Velvetfur I don't even know most of those songs, haha! I like Linkin Park though, and the few Bat For Lashes songs I've heard 👍 4y
Caroline2 I was dancing round the kitchen, emptying the dishwasher to Bad Guy the other day. 😆 Tune!!!! 🎶 💃🏻 4y
Cupcake12 This is so similar to my fave songs at the mo...my daughter has introduced me to Billie Eilish...Bizarre but brilliant 🎧 🎵 4y
ShananigansReads As I spend time letting my teenaged nieces and nephews pick music we listen to I definitely understand why my dad called my music noise. 👵🏾👵🏾👵🏾 (edited) 4y
BarbaraBB You did it! Thanks ❤️. Indeed Billie Eilish comes from my kids too but Muse and 21 Pilots, Numan and Linkin Park that‘s you of course 💕 (edited) 4y
DebinHawaii Adele! 😍 4y
batsy Nice to see Muse in there! And Diamonds is one of my favourite Rihanna songs 💎 4y
karasu13 The 1975 and Placebo are excellent choices! 4y
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2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur Charles Clarke
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#top10ofthedecade #fictionedition RoundTwo

These are my favorite 10 books published in the 2010s. This was an easier selection, as I only had to drop 3-4 contenders. 😆

Cinfhen ♥️ 5y
LeahBergen Do Not Say We Have Nothing. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
merelybookish Lots of women writers! 😀 And I really want to read some Berlin! 5y
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BarbaraBB Oh! I have Flamethrowers and 10.04 on my shelves! And I loved the Brief History and Lila and Reservoir 13. Berlin not that much... (edited) 5y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB 10:04 is set in Brooklyn and has a section set in the food co-op I belong to, so I loved how self referential it was. Ymmv. 5y
batsy Eclectic list, just the way I like it :) I'd forgotten all about Reservoir 13... Still on my TBR! 5y
Billypar I was staring at the one cover for so long...Buildings to Res...Building Stores... finally got it 😁 5y
Liz_M @Billypar Right! I should tag the books in this one. 5y
arubabookwoman Of those I‘ve read, I loved Reservoir 13 and Manual for Cleaning Women, but didn‘t care for Sing Unburied Sing (though I loved her earlier book). I began A Brief History of Seven Killings on audio, but it wasn‘t working for me on audio, so I need to get hold of it in book form. 5y
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2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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Okay, honestly, this whole book was mind-blowing 👏

2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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"...And because in all the galaxy, they had found nothing more precious than mind, they encouraged its dawning everywhere. They became farmers in the fields of stars; they sowed and sometimes they reaped. And sometimes, dispassionately, they had to weed."

2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke

Oh my god that was awesome! I definitely will continue this series!

2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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So close to finishing this! Definitely taking a break from this series again afterwards though lol. I'm that weird person that takes a break between each book in a series 😂😂😂

2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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It is really messing with my OCD how they changed the setting and what they now say happened on the ship. But I still like this series so far it's just messing with my head 😌😌

2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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Yes, yes, yes. If it wasn‘t obvious already, I absolutely adore this series. I love everything about it, the writing, the plot, the theories, the aliennnnnnnsssss...okay I admit, I‘m a little blind to anything wrong with this book because aliens.

Overall, I found this sequel just as enjoyable as the first!!

2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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“And maybe no such bridge is possible and that two such alien forms of consciousness can never coexist. If this is so, then only one of them can inherit the solar system. Which it will be, not even the gods know...yet.”

2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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Happy calendar page flip day!

What a funny coincidence it is that this month is ”Extraterrestrial Eruptions” with a large blurb on Io, because it‘s one of the major settings in 2010 which I‘m reading right now! 😁

I just love Clarke‘s descriptions of Io‘s nightmarish volcanic landscape in the book. Just imagining it gave me chills!

2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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10 chapters in and unsurprisingly loving the adventure. Still not sure if I agree with changing the setting to Jupiter but I understand why. However, I‘m still a big fan of the overwhelming presence of the Great Eye of Iapetus and the Saturn imagery in the first book 💔

Only a few more things left to unpack after my big move. With this new place, I‘m expecting a lot more free time to be able to read! Soon!

Also, very curious about this...movie??

JessNevertheless A movie?? 6y
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2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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“I thought that by now every intelligent person knew that H-A-L is derived from Heuristic ALgorithmic.”

#QuotsyJan19 | 15: #Intelligent

📷: Made with Typorama & Google Images

2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur Charles Clarke

Loving the series....2001 is still the best, but this was pretty outstanding, too. ACC was def The Godfather of SciFi.

2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke
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Opening line: "Even in this metric age, it was still the thousand-foot telescope, not the three-hundred-metre one." #2010odysseytwo #sequel #arthurcclarke #sciencefiction #book #bookish #bookgnome #firstline #bookcover

2010: Odyssey Two | Arthur C. Clarke

A nice continuation of 2001, expands upon the story in a way that when you go back and analyse the first you realise the hints were there from the beginning. don't expect the story to be as good as 2001 though, as in my opinion it is a bit of a lazy write as some extracts from 2001 are copied straight into this novel.