We‘re having our first go at a ‘Tech Shabbat‘ tonight, 24 hours unplugged. Got magazines, books and a new recipe planned for a joint cook tonight 🥳
We‘re having our first go at a ‘Tech Shabbat‘ tonight, 24 hours unplugged. Got magazines, books and a new recipe planned for a joint cook tonight 🥳
1. I loved Abby as the ruthlessly impartial doyenne of justice in the DA‘s office on Law & Order!!
2. My bedtime on work nights is between 1 and 2 am. It‘s not healthy, I know, but I can‘t help it! I‘m a night owl to the bone!!
3. Horror—before that, poetry.
4. Microwave—how did we live without it? (Also, dishwasher!!)
5. Library, but I rarely go. I can‘t resist checking out way too many books, resulting in massive fines!
#riotgrams day 16 - #bookmarks
I use these BOTM bookmarks quite often. There's usually a few in my nightstand and it makes me giggle to have someone's face peeking out from between the pages. (The contents of this book have been blurred to protect the identity of the second book in #gameoftomes... dun dun #lawandorderliteraryvictimsunit)
This is what I watch when my partner goes to bed. #guiltypleasures