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The Virgin and the Viscount
The Virgin and the Viscount: The Bachelor Lords of London | Charis Michaels
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The Virgin Lady Elisabeth Hamilton-Baythes has a painful secret. At fifteen, she was abducted by highwaymen and sold to a brothel. But two days later, she was rescued by a young lord, a man shes never forgotten. Now, shes devoted herself to save other innocents from a similar fate. The Viscount Bryson Courtland, Viscount Rainsleigh, never breaks the rules. Well, once, but that was a long time ago. Hes finally escaped his unhappy past to become one of the wealthiest noblemen in Britain. The last thing he needs to complete his ideal life? A perfectly proper wife. The Unraveling When Bryson and Elisabeth meet, he sees only a flawless candidate for his future wife. But a distant memory calls to him every time hes with her. Elisabeth knows shes not the wife Bryson needs, and he is the only person who has the power to reveal her secret. But neither can resist the devastating pull of attraction, and as the truth comes to light, they must discover that an improper love is the truest of all.
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“Elisabeth leaned into the #hug, more to comfort her aunt than herself. Despite the years of silence and reckoning, this recounting of the tragedy affected Elisabeth less than she thought it would.“

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Ooooooh I loved this. I devoured it. This was sweet but steamy, kind but brooding. I may need to read again - I am sad it is over!

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Instead, he put his mouth to her ear and growled, “And I merely put my hand up your skirt. I would have taken you right here, in a public building, with patrons and staff and bloody school children walking through. Do not push me, Elisabeth. My God—please. Have mercy.”

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He held it open and, God help her, she brushed against him when she passed. His body felt warm, solid and unmoving. She tucked the sensation away for later-for many, many laters. Their previous exchange had sustained her for fifteen years. This would have to last her for the rest of her life.

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Getting ready to escape the heat and continue my summer of swoon. I loved the first book in this series and can't wait to read this one.