I've liked Tanya Huff sci fi but never really connected with the characters in this one. Meh.
#ReadYourKindle @CBee
I've liked Tanya Huff sci fi but never really connected with the characters in this one. Meh.
#ReadYourKindle @CBee
📚 Quarters quartet by Tanya Huff. Or at least the three first ones. A fave from my teen years.
✍️ n/a
📺 Quantum Leap (another teen fave)
🎤 Queen
🎶 Quite a Feeling (Sahara Hotnights) Queen of the Night Aria from Mozart (Lucia Popp or Diana Damrau)
#ManicMonday actually on a Monday! #LetterQ @CBee
I enjoyed this one. This is the first book of a four volume series. This tells the story of Annice, who renounces her royal heritage in order to become a bard with the ability to summon spirits from all four elements (“quarters”). To the dismay of her female lover, she becomes pregnant and has to go on the run as an outlaw when she rescues the father of her unborn child from execution. Excellent LGBT themed fantasy novel with great world building.
Just started this one, and already not sure if I want to continue. This was recommended as high-fantasy and queer-inclusive, which it is. Very Valdemar, in a good way. I dig the voice, the style, the world.
But I'm really really not interested in a pregnancy story? Particularly one where it's the POV Character (cis female) that's pregnant, and that is fulfilling for them?
Nothing wrong with the book, that's just something I don't enjoy... Hmm.
If I‘d read this at a decent pace, I suspect I‘d be in love with it. It‘s set in a wonderfully queer world, there‘s tons of magical music, and there‘s a big familial conundrum at its heart. On top of that, Huff eschews the expected plot where two people fall in love because they made a baby. Annice and Pjerin work towards mutual respect and potential coparenting, not twu wuv. Whee!
Alas, I read it too slow for love, but I did like it very much.
I‘m ready for the final push! As long as nothing unexpected comes up, I should be able to finish this before I take Casey to puppy school this afternoon.
No walk past McDonald‘s is complete without a free coffee and a chapter or two of my current read.
I‘m still enjoying SING THE FOUR QUARTERS a lot—and I‘m still reading it so. damned. slowly. Every time I try to sit down with it, something comes up. I hope I can make a big push through the back half tonight and tomorrow.
It‘s been ages since I did one of these. Here goes!
1. Fantasy
2. Sarah Monette/Katherine Addison
3. even this page is white by Vivek Shraya
4. I avoid topics, not genres: American political nonfiction and Nazi romances. (No one‘s ever had the poor taste to rec one to me, but I snarl whenever I remember the hoopla in Romancelandia a few years ago.)
5. Done!
Supper involves curried tuna, kale slaw, and a book I took a break from a couple months back. I‘m looking forward to diving in again!
I‘ll probably have the beer a bit later. It was part can-buy (because PRETTY) and part brewery-buy. Driftwood‘s responsible for the Cry Me A River gose, aka the Locke & Key beer, and that‘s biased me towards them.
I desperately want to make some progress through SING THE FOUR QUARTERS this weekend. I'm loving it, but I've had so many other demands on my time that I haven't had the mental energy to sit and READ IT. And I loathe reading things slowly. Unless it's something like Genji or a massive chunkster, I get antsy when a novel takes me more than three days.
I'm doing the super early bedtime thing due to winter exhaustion/malaise.
This hot water bottle was the best thing I could've won in the family gift exchange. It's large and fuzzy, and it stays warm all through the night.
I've had approximately seven million cups of tea in the last two days, purely as an excuse to use my new mug. It's the MOON, y'all! THE MOON!
This is what breakfast-for-supper looks like when you're running low on actual groceries but you've got a lot of stuff you want to get out of the fridge.
I'm in a 90s fantasy mood, so I started SING THE FOUR QUARTERS while I ate. I know I've read Tanya Huff before, but I can't remember if Teenage Me liked her or drifted away, bored. I've got a good vibe from this one so far, even though I know a TSTL-level spoiler about the heroine.
I don‘t know if it‘s my favorite fantasy, but it‘s one I was thinking about rereading recently. #eclecticgiveaway